Hiring an expert should be easy!

hiring an expert

Invite-only network

Each expert is vetted and verified to join Hire.Expert. Only the best and most experienced are included on our site.*

Only 60% qualify

Minimum of five years in business

Newly formed businesses and professionals are not eligible to join, giving you a better chance of reliability.

Only 20% qualify

Highly rated in their field of work

Experts must have at least 100 4+ star reviews across the board from other sites such as Google and Yelp.

Only 5% qualify

Has an online presence and contact

Qualifying experts must have an active website and contact info for efficient communication and scheduling.

A professional review site with reliability and honesty.

Verified reviews

All new reviews are filtered and verified from spam, fake, and dishonest reviews.

Expert advice and help

Experts can post great advice on their profiles and showcase their exceptional talent.

Here are the numbers.

A glance at our current stats.


Qualify to join

Only the most experienced and skilled can join.*


Highly rated experts

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Cities you can find help

We are regularly expanding in the US.

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How it works

1. Search for experts

Find a local expert for your next home/business project.

2. Connect with an expert

Connect with your preferred expert online or directly with them.

3. Hire and review

After completing your project, remember to review it on Hire.Expert.